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Fred Barling


Not Quite What You Expected

I've been reading everything I can on Quantum Physics. I can't do the algebra physicists use to describe the universe. I'm a concepts guy. Quantum Physics is understandable. But I don't think I'm ready to describe it to another person.

My "project" is getting spun back up on creating web sites. I've been away for a long time. This web site is part of the fruit of my spin up. This site looks different at different screen sizes. So, instead of one design, I'll have four or five. Each one needs to be created from scratch. This site is where I learned this. I need it for two other sites I will be creating.

The first is a re-build of my travel site It's an old, clunky Wordpress site I banged together. It's a nightmare to publish with it. The new site is going to be easy to publish. Instead of a uniform look, the new site will have each page individually designed. I have an enormous amount of photography to use. In the higher resolutions, I want a coffee table book.

The other site will be for whenever I finish my novel. So when I get there, I should have tons of experience.

I'm writing html5/css3 by hand. I've always written web stuff by hand. It's just how I learned. I prefer solutions that are simple. There will be small bits of javascript. No dancing baloney.